Shale gas is coming . . . message from our seminar last night

We had an incredible event last night “Shale Gas in Europe”. Huge thanks to;

  • our three expert speakers, Leigh Bolton of Holmwood Consulting, Nick Grealy of NoHotAir and Dr John Buggenhagen of San Leon Energy plc
  • Allen & Overy for their generous sponsorship and last but not least
  • a most engaging and intelligent audience

Telegraph TV turned up as well. I’ll post a link up when they go live.

2 Responses to “Shale gas is coming . . . message from our seminar last night”

  1. Dr. Cameron Davies says:


    I enjoyed the controversial presentations and stimulating discussion at your shale gas seminar. Its one of the potential new energy sectors which I am keeping a close watch on in the UK and Europe. Commerciality is still a major drawback in Europe where for example there are only around 40 deep drilling rigs and limited fraccing capacity. The US equivalent is many thousands of rigs and of the services required to bring in a commercial shale gas well. The bench mark for the costs of most European oil services is the North Sea (UK, Dutch and Norwegian) which puts a strong economic damper on shale gas development. Have you put the presentations online?

    Thanks once again.

    Dr. Cameron Davies
    Cameron Energy Advisors Ltd.

  2. Dan Lewis says:

    Cameron, we will be producing a publication based on the presentations shortly. Please bear with us. Kind regards, Dan.

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