Events Diary


 To be announced shortly. 



Click below for details of our past events;

Cheaper, Better Renewables – 20th January 2015

The Future of Gas & Electricity Storage – 11th November 2014

Will the lights go out? – 17th September 2014

Energy Affordability and Energy Policy – Irreconcilable? – 18th June 2014

Britain’s Unconventional Future – 3rd April 2014

The Past, Present and Future of Energy Market Regulation – 12th November 2013

The Future of the Dumb and Smart Grids – 16th September 2013

Britain’s LNG Future: How much, where from and where to, what price and when? – July 9th 2013

Energy Policy, Investment & The Consumer – June 5th 2013

Will the lights go out? Assessing and Mitigating the Risk – May 1st 2013

Annual Review of the Coal Market – 19th April 2013

Annual Review of the Utilities – 20th February 2013

Game-Changing & Future Energy Technologies – 22nd January 2013

Nuclear 2.0: The New Unconventional Future – 13th November 2012

Shale Oil: Brave New Hydrocarbon Frontier? – 16th October 2012

Electricity Interconnectors with Europe – The Next Generation for Britain – 3rd July 2012

The New Dash for Gas?May 29th 2012

Utility Finance in the 2010s – a lecture by Peter Atherton of CitiApril 30th 2012

The Future of Road Transport; Plug-in Hybrids, Road-pricing, Hydrogen or Natural Gas Vehicles? – 27th October 2011

Increasing Competition in the UK’s Electricity Market – 19th September 2011

The Global Water Industry’s Future24th February 2011

Shale Gas in Europe20th January 2011